St. Bernard for Sale by Angus MacDonall, October 8, 1921

St. Bernard for SaleAngus MacDonall
October 8, 1921

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MacDonall, who came from the Midwest but eventually migrated east to become part of the Westport, Connecticut art colony, did only a few covers for the Post, but they were memorable, especially his poignant depictions of children. The forlorn boy and his dog were real, seen by a reader in Oregon, who described the scene vividly in a letter to the editor.

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  1. This is the picture!!!!

    I have been searching many years for this Saturday Evening Post Cover from October 8, 1921 with a picture by Angus MacDonald of a little boy with a large dog. The dog is wearing a “For Sale” sign and the boy is crying. Can you please help me find this picture? I would like to buy this picture. Please, please help me.

    Sylvia Garner

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