Women in the Newsroom – 1940s

"Typical copy desk today. That skirted reporter at the left chats sociably between puffs while two female copyreaders struggle with dispatches and a copy girl does her best."

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Women in the newsroom are working alongside men.

“Typical copy desk today. That skirted reporter at the left chats sociably between puffs while two female copyreaders struggle with dispatches and a copy girl does her best.”

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  1. Does any one out there remember a Jean Lysaught (may be spelt wrong)
    She was a good friend of my mother during the war.
    I believe she was a sub editor on the magazine, and would include a copy in parcels sent to the family, along with tinned food, Chocolate etc which we hadn’t seen in years and were very grateful.

    I was just wondering if she might be in the picture..

    Phil Johnson

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