The boy is quite good at concealing
The way that he’s privately feeling.
But when the door’s closed
And the lad’s unopposed,
His actions are truly revealing.
—Neal Levin, Bloomfield, Michigan
The staff of The Saturday Evening Post is pleased to announce the winner of the Sep/Oct Limerick Laughs Contest: Neal Levin of Bloomfield, Michigan! For his clever poem describing the picture to the left, Neal wins a cash prize—and our gratitude for a job well done. If you’d like to enter the Limerick Laughs Contest for our Jan/Feb 2011 issue, you can submit your entry via the entry form here.
Of course, Neal’s limerick wasn’t the only one we liked! Here are a few of our favorite runners-up, in no particular order:
My principal stood very tall
As I passed with a wave in the hall.
When he left for the day
I had nothing to say
So I gave him my tongue, and that’s all.—Paul E. Rikert, White Plains, NY
My principal’s seen me before.
The library’s on the same floor.
Though he’s really quite tall—
Doesn’t scare me at all—
As long as he’s behind that closed door!—Nancy Kirbo, Rockwall, TX
This principal thinks he’s just great,
And his student’s would rank him first rate.
Why has he not learned
When his big back is turned
Some pretend to befriend whom they “hate.”—Karen Snead, Dale City, VA
The man couldn’t possibly know
Just how fake was the friendly hello.
But surveillance soon caught
What the boy really thought
When he stuck out his tongue down below.—Joyce Petrichek, Finleyville, PA
School rules can be so exacting.
Yet, on cue, the boy’s manner’s not lacking.
A fine gesture he’s made,
But it’s all a charade.
This lad has a future in acting!—Karla Cooper, Midland, MI
There once was a fellow quite young,
Came to class when the school bell hand rung.
He seemed so polite
In the principal’s sight,
But when not, he would stick out his tongue!—Elsie H. Wietzke, Camano Island, WA
Johnnie waves to old Principal Jones,
Smiling face hiding all of his groans.
But when no one is there
He soon takes up a dare
And starts mentally throwing his stones.—Ruth Porter, Albany, OR
He really did look like a saint,
Not at all like he had a complaint.
The boy vented his spleen
Where he couldn’t be seen
Because stupid he certainly ain’t.—Ralph D. Block, Warrington, PA
Thanks, Mr. Principal, for the advice.
You were really very nice.
Now, after a short detention
And the possibility of suspension,
I hope your remaining hair is full of lice.—Edward Gottlieb, Detroit, MI
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Neal Levin’s limerick–three words: ha-ha-ha! It couldn’t be a better fit for that artwork!
Neal, you really captured not only this little boy’s feelings when the door was shut, you gave us all, boys or girls, the notion that it was ok when we had done the same thing, years ago. Brings a smile to everybody’s face for the day and lingers as a fun time in our memories. Keep up the great work.