Norman Rockwell Paints an Intimate Tour of the West Wing
In 1943, Norman Rockwell was permitted to roam the Executive Wing of the White House. His drawings perfectly capture the “dignified informality” of the era.
In 1943, Norman Rockwell was permitted to roam the Executive Wing of the White House. His drawings perfectly capture the “dignified informality” of the era.
In this December 1944 cover, Rockwell blends the chaos of Christmas shopping with the joy of families greeting returning WWII servicemen. Look closely and you’ll see Rockwell himself in the picture.
“I was 10 years old when Dad made me jump into the station wagon with a bunch of Boy Scouts for a five-hour trip to Norman Rockwell’s studio.”
How the Post empowered Norman Rockwell’s creative growth and expression.
Rockwell painting predicted to sell for millions in auction next month, plus big TV news this week.
Abigail Rockwell shines a light on her grandfather’s religious philosophy.
Rumors about Rockwell as a self-absorbed artist and negligent father abound, but Abigail Rockwell returns to the Post to set the record straight.
Abigail Rockwell returns to the Post just before Mother’s Day to analyze a Norman Rockwell image that depicts true maternal instinct, promise, and possibility.
The one figure Norman Rockwell told his family he couldn’t draw.
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Today, Norman Rockwell is an American icon. But even late in his career, art critics viewed him as an ordinary illustrator (and a slightly corny one at that). Get a sneak peek at author Deborah Solomon’s new book, American Mirror: The Life and Art of Norman Rockwell.
The Sotheby’s auction will, no doubt, raise the price paid for a Rockwell painting to a new, unbelievable level.
Celebrate Rockwell’s February 3 birthday with his first 3 Post covers and the stories of how they came about.
Rockwell Model Chuck Marsh Jr. discusses what it was like working with America’s best-loved artist.
Norman Rockwell “I showed the America I knew and observed to others who might not have noticed.” – Norman Rockwell Norman Perceval Rockwell, The Saturday Evening Post’s most famous illustrator, is considered by many to be one of America’s greatest artists. He was a master storyteller via canvas and paint, and his works, capturing the […]
Did you know that Norman Rockwell sold everything from socks to insurance? Like most hard-working artists, Rockwell illustrated advertisements.