Early Flower Seeds You Can Plant Now
The early bird gets the worm they say; and for garden lovers, the early seed planter gets the flowers.
Some flowering plants require early planting, and depending on where in the country you live, February may be the time to get going and gain a jump-start on the growing season. Some flowers, such as larkspur, definitely require planting as early as possible if you plan to enjoy their spectacular blossoms at all.
The following is a partial list of flower seeds that can be planted directly in the soil if your ground is thawed and workable:
- Abronia
- Ageratum
- Alonsoa
- Alyssum
- Amaranthus
- Anagallis
- Anemone
- Antirrhinum
- Aquilegia
- Arctotis
- Baileya
- Bloomeria
- Brachycome
- Browallia
- Calendula
- Callistephus
- Carnation
- Celosia
- Centaurea
- Charieis
- Chrysanthemum
- Clarkia
- Cleome
- Collinsia
- Convolvulus
- Coreopsis
- Cosmos
- Cynoglossum
- Convolvulus
- Coreopsis
- Cosmos
- Cynoglossum
- Dahlberg Daisy
- Dahlia
- Diascia
- Dimorphotheca
- Emilia
- Eschscholzia
- Exacum
- Flax
- Forget-me-not
- Gaillardia
- Gilia
- Godetia
- Gomphrena
- Gypsophila
- Helichrysum
- Hunnemannia
- Immortelle
- Impatiens
- Kochia
- Larkspur
- Linaria
- Lobelia
- Lonas
- Lupine
- Malcomia
- Mallow
- Marigold
- Maurandya
- Mentzelia
- Mimulus
- Nasturtium
- Nemesia
- Nemophila
- Nicotiana
- Periwinkle
- Petunia
- Phacelia
- Phlox
- Poppy
- Primula Quamoclit
- Salpiglossis
- Salvia
- Scabiosa
- Schizanthus
- Stevia
- Stocks
- Strawflower
- Sweetpea
- Thymophylla
- Verbena
- Zinnia
New Flower Varieties for 2009 from the National Garden Bureau (ngb.org)
Poppy ‘Jelly Beans’
Eschscholzia californica
Double flowered California poppies.
2 to 2½-inch flowers in orange, salmon, rose, and gold. 10 inches tall Full sun.
A. maritimum
Seven unique colors that flower simultaneously.
Compact, 3 to 4 inches tall. Full to part sun.
Z. hybrida
2- to 3-inch hot pink flowers that bloom summer through fall.
Full sun.
Tagetes erecta
Dwarf African marigold with large, 3-inch flowers.
6 to 8 inches tall. Bloom in 45 days. Full sun.