Cover Gallery: Twentieth Century Nurses
On the anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birth, we celebrate nurses everywhere. Although most of these Post covers limit nurses to the maternity ward, the reality of their jobs was much more complex, far-reaching, and demanding than these sunny snapshots reveal.
While much has changed (can you imagine your nurse helping you light your cigarette?), we can’t overestimate the enormous contribution that nurses have made to health care. Thank you for all that you do!

Charles A. MacLellan
February 15, 1913

John Hyde Phillips
December 14, 1940

Jon Whitcomb
October 23, 1943

Constantin Alajalov
November 2, 1946

Stevan Dohanos
October 22, 1949

George Hughes
December 25, 1954

Stevan Dohanos
September 3, 1955

Coby Whitmore
March 11, 1961