Cartoons: Murphy’s Law


Tight rope performer looks on in alarm as an eagle lands on his balancing pole.
Summer 1971


Man paints the title of his boat, "Common Sense", upside-down.
May/June 2008


Car driver on a narrow mountain road goes the wrong way.
May 13, 1961


Injured man speaks to his wife as she sits next to his hospital bed.
“Then, without warning, my motor died—and he heard what I was calling him.”


Wrecking ball crew breaks open an occupied building as the tennants look at them in horror. The crew's team leader looks at his chart, realizing that they are at the wrong address.
“Let’s have another peek at that address.”


A mother reacts when her son told her that he sold her baby to a bus passenger. The bus is speeding away in the background.
“Oh, I just rented Judy to a lady who wanted to get a seat on the bus.”
December 25, 1943