Cartoons: Vahan Shirvanian

Last year, long-time cartoonist Vahan Shirvanian had a severe spinal injury. He’s recovered enough to start submitting cartoons again, and our thoughts and best wishes are with him in his continued recovery. In the meantime, here’s why he is a Post favorite.

from Jan/Feb 03

Jan/Feb 2003

Nov/Dec 00

Nov/Dec 2000

"Here it is on the map – The Unpainted Desert." from Jul/Aug 09

"Here, it is on the map—The Unpainted Desert."
Jul/Aug 2009

"Are you sure it’s not out of your way?" from Nov/Dec 01

"Are you sure it’s not out of your way?"
Nov/Dec 2001

from Nov/Dec 2000
Nov/Dec 2000

"Where does this go?" from May/Jun09

"Where does this go?"
May/Jun 2009

"It’s all set. Now help me catch my sister! from Sep/Oct 09

"It’s all set. Now help me catch my sister!"
Sep/Oct 2009