Ask the Vet: Don’t Fret

Can cat lice spread to humans?


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Question: Our new kitten, Leo, has tiny white specks stuck to his fur that the veterinarian said were nits, or lice eggs, and she treated him for lice. Should I keep the kids from playing with him?

Answer: You needn’t separate the children from their new kitten, because lice infect only one species. So, cat lice infect cats, and human lice attack people. Leo’s lice won’t jump to your children. Your kitten was undoubtedly infected when he was exposed to another cat with lice or to its bedding, comb, or brush.

Lice are tiny, wingless insects that cause a condition called pediculosis, marked by itchiness, skin crusting, and hair loss. More obvious than the lice are their eggs, called nits, which are cemented to the cat’s fur. Though nits may look like flecks of dandruff, you can’t remove them by petting or brushing the cat.

Fortunately, most flea products eliminate lice and prevent their recurrence. So, the treatment your veterinarian prescribed should kill Leo’s lice and allow your children to enjoy their new kitten.


Ask the Vet is written by veterinarian Lee Pickett, VMD. Send questions to [email protected] and read more at

This article is featured in the July/August 2024 issue of The Saturday Evening Post. Subscribe to the magazine for more art, inspiring stories, fiction, humor, and features from our archives.

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