Celebrating America, Past, Present, and Future
For 200 years, The Saturday Evening Post has chronicled American history in the making — reflecting the distinctive characteristics and values that define the American way.

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- Members-only access to view every single Post cover ever published, including all 322 by Norman Rockwell! Search by theme or by artist
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More About Us and Our Mission
Tracing its roots to Benjamin Franklin, The Saturday Evening Post mirrors cherished American ideals and values, most memorably illustrated by its iconic cover artist Norman Rockwell. The Post is also known for publishing such literary greats as Ray Bradbury, Agatha Christie, William Faulkner, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Edgar Allan Poe, J.D. Salinger, and Kurt Vonnegut, and continues to seek out and discover emerging writers of the 21st century.
Headquartered in Indianapolis, the Post is a publication of the nonprofit Saturday Evening Post Society, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization (formerly the Benjamin Franklin Literary & Medical Society), which was established in 1976 in an effort to honor, preserve, and share its historical legacy of promoting the arts and literature, while inspiring and empowering individuals to embrace a proactive approach to physical, mental, and spiritual health. The Saturday Evening Post Society also publishes the award-winning youth magazines Humpty Dumpty and Jack and Jill and funds The Children’s Better Health Institute. Having been at the side of Americans in various forms since 1728, through the events and cultural shifts that have shaped the country’s character, The Saturday Evening Post remains America’s Magazine.
Learn about the history of The Saturday Evening Post, from Ben Franklin’s print shop to today.
The current mission of The Saturday Evening Post is to prepare for the future through our publishing and health endeavors, while also honoring our past. To this end, we have undertaken the important task of carefully preserving the history of the magazine. Through the use of specialized, high-resolution large-format digital scanners, and the hard work of dedicated staffers, we are working to convert every word and image of our print magazine to a digital format. You can see the tremendous progress we have made by viewing our online archive. In addition to the magazines, we have a treasure trove of correspondence from well known authors and artists, sketches, meeting notes, marketing and advertising ideas, and the daily details of the magazine business from 1821 to today. We have just begun to scratch the surface of this rich history. It’s a challenging but rewarding undertaking to document such an important record of not only the magazine, but also the weekly concerns and entertainments of our nation. Our work is ongoing, and your membership or donation helps with our preservation efforts.
Learn more about the history of The Saturday Evening Post.