Whether it featured smoky steel mills or towering silos, John Atherton’s covers depicted the hard work of mid-century Americans.
Ore Barge
John Atherton
June 14, 1947
John Atherton’s cover painting is a view of the husky city of Duluth. This is the ship canal through which ore boats moved out to begin their travels in the Great Lakes. The ore came from the great Mesabi Range. Atherton chose a moment when the bridge had lifted to let one of the ore boats pass below.
Storing the Corn
John Atherton
November 6, 1948
Salmon Fishing
John Atherton
July 17, 1948
Oregon Sawmill & Lumber Yard
John Atherton
April 10, 1948
Mining for Ore
John Atherton
November 22, 1947
Boxcars at Grain Elevators
John Atherton
October 4, 1947
Junkyard Garden
John Atherton
April 26, 1947
Steel Mills
John Atherton
November 23, 1946
Dairy Farm
John Atherton
July 19, 1947
Artist John Atherton paints an early morning scene in the rich dairy country of Wisconsin, where if all cows are not contented they are hard to please. It’s a section as sleek as its cows, where life has a very high butterfat content. The farm Atherton chose is near New Glarus, in Green County, a town settled in 1845 by Swiss from Glarus, Switzerland.