The Inundation of Dr. Seuss

In the July 6, 1957, issue of the Post, Bob Cahn wrote a profile on Theodor Geisel (Dr. Seuss), “The Wonderful World of Dr. Seuss.” (Read that article here)

The following item from the Keeping Posted section of the September 7, 1957, issue of the Post reported on the avalanche of attention Dr. Seuss experienced following the publication of the Post profile in July:

Dr. Seuss (Theodor Geisel), who in verse and drawing creates characters that fascinate young and old, was portrayed by Bob Cahn in the July 6 Post; and shortly afterward the talented doctor reported excitedly, “Everyone in the world must read the Post, because everyone in the world is either phoning, wiring, writing, crawling through our shrubbery, photographing our house, or removing flowers for mementos. I’m putting on secretarial help and going away for a rest.” Cahn comments, “He is very imaginative; probably only half the people in the world read the Post.”

When Seuss returned home, the public acclaim was still buzzing right along—by now it included three proposals of marriage to his dog, Cluny; 200 phone calls and telegrams; 400 letters from every U.S. state and many foreign countries. “Thank you,” the doctor writes, “for a most flattering experience.”