Cartoons: Campaign Comedy

"My father thinks you’re a bum." from Fall 1972
“My father thinks you’re a bum.”
Fall 1972


"The Senator now has three minutes for his rebuttal." from November 1984
“The Senator now has three minutes for his rebuttal.”
November 1984


"I'm running my campaign like bra—not too revealing, but I still want your support." from Sept/Oct 2012
“I’m running my campaign like a bra—not too revealing, but I still want your support.”
Sep/Oct 2012


"I think I prefer the Republicans for clichés, but the Democrats for platitudes." from October 31, 1964
“I think I prefer the Republicans for clichés, but the Democrats for platitudes.”
October 31, 1964


"I promise to stimulate the economy with another unlimited –spending election!" from Jan/Feb 2012
Jan/Feb 2012



"He's reading his concession speech instead of his victory speech!" Oct. 1976
“He’s reading his concession speech instead of his victory speech!”
October 1976