Cartoons: Halloween Is for Grownups, Too

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Costume parties must have been popular in the 1950s, because these cartoons aren’t just from our October issues. But we’re posting them in this collection to remind you that adults can have fun at Halloween, too!

Woman dressed as a witch makes a stew using a witch's brew pot.
“I thought we’d have a quick bite before going to the party.”
October 29, 1955


Woman comments on her husband's devil costume.
“Aren’t you rather thinly disguised?”
Walt Wetterberg
November 12, 1955


Party guests comments on a couple's Halloween costume theme
“They came as today’s daily double.”
Les Colin
April 7, 1951


Man in a dog suit takes a glass of whiskey at a Halloween party
Tom Henderson
February 11, 1956


Woman is upset that her husband has her as the bottom half of their horse costume.
“I suppose this is your idea of good casting!”
February 12, 1966



Party guests comment on someone's Halloween costume, which is a corpse on a hospital gurney
“Now, why didn’t I think of that?”
Bob Barnes
January 1, 1955


Woman teases her husband's pirate costume.
“You make quite an authentic looking pirate…sunken chest and all.”
Fred Levinson
June 4, 1955

Want even more laughs? Subscribe to the magazine for cartoons, art, inspiring stories, fiction, humor, and features from our archives.