Cartoons: Overheard at the Bar

We would never suggest our talented cartoonists spend a lot of time at bars, but they seem to overhear a lot of watering hole conversations.

“Your wife thinks you’re a jerk? I thought you said she didn’t understand you.” from Mar/Apr 1997

“Your wife thinks you’re a jerk? I thought you said she didn’t understand you.”
Mar/Apr 1997


 “My wife has no sense of humor.” “That’s hard to believe.”from March/April 2009

“My wife has no sense of humor.”
“That’s hard to believe.”
March/April 2009



 “I’ve finally developed a lifestyle and now doctor says I have to change it.”from September/Octember 1998

“I’ve finally developed a lifestyle and now my doctor says I have to change it.”
September/Octember 1998


“I'm looking for marriage, two kids, and a nice house in the suburbs. Hi, what's your name?”from September/October 1999

“I’m looking for marriage, two kids, and a nice house in the suburbs. Hi, what’s your name?”
September/October 1999


“Gosh, I remember when happy hour was something other than a good bowel movement!”from March/April 1997

“Gosh, I remember when happy hour was
something other than a good bowel movement!”
March/April 1997


“I dunno, George. There has to be more to life than watching my wife cook, iron, vacuum, wash clothes, clean the house, take care of the kids and do yard work.”from July/August 1994

“I dunno, George. There has to be more to life than
watching my wife cook, iron, vacuum, wash clothes,
clean the house, take care of the kids and do yard work.”
July/August 1994


“Nice going! You’ve solved all their problems, and now we’ve lost all our clientele.”from January/February 1982

“Nice going! You’ve solved all their problems,
and now we’ve lost all our clientele.”
January/February 1982