A Course in Nutrition, circa World War II
Build-your-own World War II menu with nutrition basics from 1941.
U.S. Needs Us Strong
-Originally published in The Saturday Evening Post, June 1941-
As our part in helping to make America strong, The Saturday Evening Post presents a simple, basic course in nutrition, based on the findings of our Government’s National Nutrition Committee.
Here’s How to Grow Strong, America … Eat These Foods Every Day

Eat Milk and Eggs
- Every child needs a quart of milk a day.
- Every adult needs a pint of milk a day.
- Everyone needs 3 to 4 eggs a week.

Eat Fruits & Vegetables
- Eat 2 or more fruits every day (1 citrus).
- Eat 2 or more vegetables every day (1 green or yellow).

Eat Meat, Poultry, or Fish
- Eat at least 1 serving of meat poultry or fish every day.
- Build your meals around the main course — meat or poultry — fresh, canned, or frozen.
- Serve fresh, canned, or frozen seafoods once or twice a week, for variety and economy.

Eat Bread & Cereals
- You need whole-grain products (natural whole grain or those restored to whole grain nutritive value) and enriched bread and flour every day. Then eat other foods you also like.