In life, some people are paired perfectly!
“Hello—Jones optometrists? Emergency repairs?”
January 26, 1946
“Okay, Mike, she’s gone now—I don’t believe she saw you.”
December 7, 1946
“Gosh! There’s hardly enough room here for you!”
June 7, 1947
“Maybe I want to just go around in circles!”
June 26, 1948
“No, I don’t want my 8 iron—hand me my flask!” June 26, 1948
“Will you go downstairs and look around? Things are suspiciously quiet.”
June 26, 1948
“Remember, you’re my guest. If you say you don’t go to bed till ten o’clock, their hands are tied.”
May 7, 1949
“They’re driving in now—go stand under the apple.”
November 14, 1959