Vintage Ads: Mid-Century Travel by Boat, Bus, Plane, and Train
Airlines, railroads, buses were all eager for Americans to reach their vacation destinations using their services. These advertisements from the mid-century did their best to lure travelers with promises of luxury, safety, speed, and value.

June 10, 1933
“What a glorious vacation you can have — anywhere in America with half the cost, double the fun!”

December 28, 1940
“Comfortably seated in a Pan American Clipper, you fly into America while it is still today. You literally push back the horizon to the other side of the world.”

March 9, 1946
“As soon as summer arrives — and with rail conditions greatly improved — we’ll be looking for you.”

September 21, 1946
“Swiftly your Constellation soars outward, swiftly over the rim of the North Atlantic, now racing with the turn of the earth — St. Malo off the starboard wingtip and Paris — proud Paris — on the horizon.”

November 2, 1946
“You can plan for it now — the Orient! It is bigger and more beautiful and stranger than other places in the world.”

November 30, 1946
“Here in the land of perennial Spring, you enjoy special pleasures that are rare indeed the earth around — at its gay fiestas, stirring bullfights, smart Mediterranean resorts.”

April 22, 1950
“Now Dad can take the family on a big trip…He pays full fare while Mother and the children go for half when they travel Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday.”

April 17, 1954
“At many points, United offers low-cost ‘stopover tours.’ Example: four days in San Francisco, including hotel and sightseeing, as low as $26.52 plus tax!”