Who doesn’t love a little work humor every now and then? Here, we give you a glimpse into some on- the-job hijinks from 1945.
“I get more business that way.” May 26, 1945 John Art Sibley
“If there’s some other plumber you got more confidence in, lady, we’d sure appreciate you calling him.” July 28, 1945 B. Tobey
“Mr. R. Wylie Bromide will now say the same thing in slightly different words.” August 18, 1945 Burr Shafer
“Did it ever occur to you that you’re merely driving home, and that you’re not on your run between Harrisburg and New York?” July 28, 1945 Tom Henderson
“Ed hasn’t been too easy to live with since he was called for jury duty.” June 30, 1945 Bill King
“Get ready to duck — we’re having a little trouble evicting the former occupant.” June 23, 1945 Dave Gerard