A desk job can be drudgery, but we’ll help you find the pleasure in paper pushing.
“Here it is, Mr. Stensen! I told you it wasn’t lost!”
Ben Roth
January 3, 1948
“Perhaps we should give him a two-dollar raise. His morale appears to be rather low.”
December 29, 1956
“The trouble with getting to work on time is that it makes the day so long.”
Edgar Argo
January 1, 2000
“I didn’t say you were to blame. I said I’m blaming you.”
March 1, 2003
“We’ll add extra to your severance package if you promise to go to work for the competition.”
Roy Delgado
July 1, 2007
“Actually, Mr. Brown, our retirement system is fairly uncomplicated — you just work till you’re dead.”
May 1, 2010
“Normally, a suspended sentence isn’t considered an ‘award or honor’.”
January 1, 1989
“You’re wasting your time, Walpole! That approach has been tried before!”
December 11, 1943
Ed Hunter
December 25, 1943