Cartoons: A Plight at the Opera

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Man coming in late to his box seat as the opera is ending.
“Well, I finally found a place to park.”
B. Tobey
December 8, 1951


Man commenting to his wife during an opera
“Sounds to me like he’s stepping on her foot.”
May 17, 1952


Man pulling tickets out of his coat pocket in front of an opera's opening.
“Good grief, I remembered the tickets!”
Rodney deSarro
February 10, 1951


Man looking impatient as his wife comments during an opera performance.
“You won’t believe it, but when this opera was first introduced the critics thought it was terrible.”
Don Tobin
February 2, 1952


Man commenting during an opera performance
“What’s he waiting for?”
January 17, 1953


Man commenting during an opera performance
“How many dead so far?”
Stan Gomberg
December 8, 1951


Want even more laughs? Subscribe to the magazine for cartoons, art, inspiring stories, fiction, humor, and features from our archives.