Cartoons: A Modest Proposal

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Man asking his girlfriend to marry him
“Marry me, Cynthia…and help me pay for it.”
Harry Mace
November 6, 1954


Man asking his girlfriend to marry him
“Can you wait ten minutes while I pack?
Chon Day
June 26, 1954


Man asking his girlfriend to marry him
“Feel that rough place? That’s the diamond.”
Don Tobin
June 4, 1955


Man asking his girlfriend to marry him
“Please be brief. Others are waiting.”
May 14, 1955


Man asking his girlfriend to marry him
“Is there someone else, Jane? If there is, I’d like to sell this to him.”
Mary 27, 1954


Man asking his girlfriend to marry him
“Come to think of it, you’re right! You’re not good enough for me!”
B. Wiseman
November 20, 1954


\Want even more laughs? Subscribe to the magazine for cartoons, art, inspiring stories, fiction, humor, and features from our archives.