These cartoons about the travails of technology are for anyone who’s fat-fingered a message, butt-dialed a friend, or been baffled by the latest gaming console.
“A spelling test? Surely they have software for that sort of thing!” Baloo
“Caution: Do not, under any circumstances, press the small red button on top of the camera…” Tom Cheney
“You lived the first 70 years of your life without a cell phone; why is forgetting it at home now a cause for panic?” Art Bouthillier
“Our first 40 years were wonderful. The last ten were basically point and click.” Tom Cheney
“Now that we’re old and covered with wrinkles, they come out with the camera phone.” Earl Engleman
“My dad is a natural at multitasking. He can goof up, screw up, and mess up all at the same time.” Randy Glasbergen