Cartoons: Newspapers

Sure, you like your e-reader or tablet now. But can you use it to line a birdcage? Can you rustle it irritatingly when your spouse annoys you? We think not.

"If newspapers disappear, how will I ignore you in the morning?" Mar/Apr 2010

"If newspapers disappear, how will I ignore you in the morning?"
March/April 2010

 “Sorry, dear, I thought you’d finished reading the paper.” from Mar/Apr 95

"Sorry, dear, I thought you’d finished reading the paper."
March/April 1995

"…and you needn’t be giving your paper those sarcastic twitches!" Nov 25, 1950

"... and you needn’t be giving your paper those sarcastic twitches!"
November 1950

"Gerald, how would I describe you if I ever had to report you to the missing persons bureau?" Mar/Apr 95

"Gerald, how would I describe you if I ever had to report you to the missing persons bureau?"
March/April 1995

Apr 91

April 1991

"That's not what Dr. Jefferies meant by'30 minutes on the treadmill’!” Jan/Feb 1996

"That's not what Dr. Jefferies meant by 30 minutes on the treadmill’!"
January/February 1996