Kristin Davis, ACSM-certified fitness specialist, offers this commonsense game plan to walk your way to fitness:
“Use good S-E-N-S-E, an acronym for Start Exercise Nice and Slow, Every single time.
Step 1: Start easy. Walk a comfortable pace and time. Use a watch to time your walk. Work up to walking for ten minutes at a moderate pace, three times a week.
Step 2: Stick with it for one week.
Step 3: Now, walk for 11 minutes, 3 times a week.
Step 4: Continue increasing your walking time by 10 percent each week. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends getting 30 minutes of moderate exercise, five days a week. But the 30 minutes can be broken up into ten-minute segments.
Remember: Start Exercise Nice and Slow, Every single time. You can do it!”
Click here for information on finding shoes that make you want to walk!
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