Whether it’s warm and balmy or frigid and sleeting, the March winds do blow! Here are a few covers showing that this month definitely comes in like a lion.

Earl Mayan
June 14, 1958
Post cover artists loved initiative, and who shows that better than the youngster in this 1958 cover? Lacking a green field to run in, the boy flies a kite from his hi-rise balcony. He might envy the kids with room to run, but those kids could envy a heck of a launching pad.

John Clymer
March 10, 1956
Having less luck kiting are the boys from this March 1956 cover. Now this is a pickle. How are those boys going to get the kite out of the tree? Does this remind anyone of Charlie Brown and his “kite-eating tree”?

Sarah Stilwell-Weber
April 9, 1910
This pretty lass may be having a bad hair day but a great Kite Day! This is one of the many beautiful Post covers by Sarah Stilwell-Weber that depicted charming children doing everyday things.

Robert Robinson
March 18, 1911
Holding on to your hat and umbrella at the same time is tricky in high winds. Everyone has had the “inside-out” umbrella experience at one time or another, and this gent from a 1911 cover shows us how frustrating it can be. Do you know what’s really frustrating? That the danged umbrellas still do this!

John Falter
March 23, 1946
They don’t call it the “Windy City” for nothing. In this March 1946 cover, the wind is howling down the Chicago River and creating a wind tunnel in front of the Civic Opera House. Hats and skirts are in serious danger, not to mention the poor lady trying to hold on to a bag of groceries. Talk about a bad hair day.

John Falter
April 26, 1952
The March winds blow! Artist John Falter went to a small town in the Midwest for this 1952 cover of big storm brewing. The trees are practically bending over, a woman and child are rushing to get the laundry off the line, and a man is putting up the top on his car (quickly!). The panic even seized the white dog in the foreground, who just rears his head back and howls.
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That drawing is pretty cool
All wonderful covers to really take the time to study. The brickwork on the ’58 cover (top) is really unusual aside from this boy doing balcony kite flying. I don’t know how those boys will get their kite out of that tree, but having their calm, wonderful dog there can only help lessen the frustration.
Beautiful child on the 1910 cover. Getting a kite up in the air isn’t as easy as it looks–then or now. Umbrellas still go inside out now, just like they did in 1911.
The 1946 Falter cover shows the look of motion very differently (more violent?!) than even his ’52 cover on the bottom. Fortunately for the man with the convertible, the wind is blowing North, which should help because there’s not much time left before everyone’s blown away.