Charles Souby ( was born and raised on the Chicago North Shore.

In the fall of 1975 he moved to San Francisco, where he graduated with a BA in English literature from San Francisco State University. The ensuing 15 years found him struggling in Alaska and California, living close to the curb.

In 1999, relieved of his demons, he moved to San Rafael, California, where he studied with poet and fiction author James Tipton at College of Marin. A graduate of the Upright Citizen’s Brigade in Los Angeles and BATS Improv in San Francisco, Souby now splits his time between writing fiction and performing and studying improvisational theater.

In November 2014, he is rereleasing his first novel, Winifred, with Infinity Publishing Company. His second novel, A Shot of Malaria, will be released by Infinity in January 2015.

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