Cartoons: Fishing Fun
They say that laughter and fishing are both cheaper than therapy, so we decided to combine the two!
January/February 1994
April 8, 1961
“You catch me, you throw me back.
You catch me, you throw me back.
Dude, get a life!”
September/October 2005
“…Hmmm—quite a few fishermen.
Now raise your hand if you’re a golfer.”
July/August 1998
“The doctor put you on a fishing diet?
Are you sure he didn’t say fish diet?”
September/October 1999
“Darn, another boot!”
March/April 2004
Cartoons: Car Talk

“I get about seven miles to the gallon …
my son gets the other 20.”
January/February 1995

“The car’s acting up again. It hit a mailbox.”
September/October 2000

“Despite my prayers, I was led into temptation.”
January/February 2006

“I’m sorry I’m late, but I had car trouble.
I was late getting into it.”
September/October 2001

“I couldn’t repair your brakes so made the horn louder.”
September/October 1998

“I get about 22 miles per restroom!”
July 1965
Cartoons: Little Girls

“Hasn’t her teacher got her playing a little out of character?”
December 1948

“I put all your perfume into one bottle so you’ll have more room on your dresser.”
December 1960

“Just read the poem, Mercedes…don’t ham it up.”

“I won again!”
March/April 1998

“The way you pestered that nice lady—I’ll bet she’ll be glad to see you gone!”
May/June 1999

“I sure hope I grow up to be beautiful—’cause if I can’t get by on my looks, I’m doomed.”
September/October 2006