Who Wants to Read About Married Men?

The editors expressed a certain amount of snark at the announcement of a new magazine for men.

Two men reading a newspaper
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—“The Husband Has His Own Magazine,” Editorial, March 9, 1946

We view with some misgivings the advent of a new magazine with the title The American Husband. Obviously, this is not for husbands, but rather about them. The question is: How? Is it about husbands the same way Dog World is about dogs or more as the Poultry Journal tells how to get greater egg production? Or is this more like a matrimonial version of Field and Stream? Instead of stories in the sporting vein on “How I Landed a 185-Pound Dartmouth Man,” there may be stories on market trends, such as “Postwar Outlook: Take Almost Anything.”

The chances are it is beamed at unmarried women in the market for husbands, rather than to married women interested in what can be done with existing models, but The American Husband may go in for an occasional story on little triumphs of redecoration and restoration, a la House and Garden. How, for instance, Mrs. A., of Bloomington, Illinois, made something really decorative out of an old eyesore she married in Massachusetts, simply by adding a sport coat and a pair of flannel slacks.

The magazine page where the editorial "The Husband Has His Own Magazine" is found on.
Read “The Husband Has His Own Magazine,” from the March 9, 1946, issue of the Post.

This article is featured in the March/April 2021 issue of The Saturday Evening Post. Subscribe to the magazine for more art, inspiring stories, fiction, humor, and features from our archives.

Featured image: Everett Collection / Shutterstock

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