Want even more laughs? Subscribe to the magazine for cartoons, art, inspiring stories, fiction, humor, and features from our archives.
“This year Everett and I are giving each other tax-free municipals.” Perry Barlow December 26, 1959
“Looks like you’ve been doing all right for yourself.” Paul Peter Porges December 1, 1956
“He left me a priceless heritage of devotion to duty, integrity, human compassion and three million bucks.” Walter Goldstein November 7, 1959
“It’s Benson’s hobby. He claims it takes his mind off business.” Herb Green October 24, 1959
“Except that Monique makes her living in motion pictures, I suppose we could be the young couple next door on any American Main Street.” John Ruge August 30, 1958
Oh, Tex, honey, you shouldn’t have!” Jeff Keate May 9, 1959
“Good heavens, Mr. Penfold, sixty-two isn’t old for a millionaire.” March 14, 1959
“Yes, sir, what was good enough for my father is good enough for me.” Henry Boltinoff May 8, 1958
“If I had all the money in the world, I don’t think I’d live any differently.” May 2, 1959
“Rich? My dear, you have no idea.” Herb Green January 7, 1956
“All I had when I first faced the cold business world was youth, determination and a strong will that left me four hundred thousand dollars.” March 21, 1959
Want even more laughs? Subscribe to the magazine for cartoons, art, inspiring stories, fiction, humor, and features from our archives.
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The Tuesday car in the Keate cartoon (“Oh, Tex…”) almost makes me think of an Edsel! ’59 would have been the right year for it!
These cartoons are something else this week! Number 5 down ‘Monique’ is my favorite this week. VERY large and in full, rich color. The readers in 1958 must have been shocked. It almost enters Playboy territory! As for the funniest, I’d have to go for for number 10 down from ’56. A diamond so huge she needed a wheelbarrow. I can picture and hear Elizabeth Taylor really laughing at that one.
The Tuesday car in the Keate cartoon (“Oh, Tex…”) almost makes me think of an Edsel! ’59 would have been the right year for it!
These cartoons are something else this week! Number 5 down ‘Monique’ is my favorite this week. VERY large and in full, rich color. The readers in 1958 must have been shocked. It almost enters Playboy territory! As for the funniest, I’d have to go for for number 10 down from ’56. A diamond so huge she needed a wheelbarrow. I can picture and hear Elizabeth Taylor really laughing at that one.