Cartoons: Maddening Mechanics

If you have fuzz in your filter or soil in your oil, your local mechanic will get you sorted (don’t forget your credit card).

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“Now don’t be upset. I know it’s around somewhere.”
April 21, 1951


“That’s right, I did estimate $47.50, but that was before we dropped the motor.”
Bill King
March 29, 1952


“Ahhh yes, here’s the trouble. Somebody took out the fan belt and installed a pair of suspenders.”
Salo Roth
February 23, 1952


“I think I’ve found the trouble. You’ve got a leak in your glove compartment, doctor.”
L. Herman
February 15, 1964


“That’s one reason I asked you to step out.”
Scott Taber
January 16, 1960


“I’m afraid I’ve got bad new for you.”
Joseph Farris
June 19, 1950


“I don’t like the way it handles.”
Geo Gately
May 10, 1958


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  1. Sometimes terrible situations make for wonderful cartoons. In #2 down by King, that $47.50 would be $532 in ’23. #4 down by L. Herman has to be the most insulting/degrading. A leak in in your glove compartment? Being said to a doctor, no less.

    #5 down by Taber is another favorite here; ouch! #7 (bottom) by Gately sums up what I see happening to NEW cars/vehicles very frequently in L.A., but not drive-able at all. Really totaled. Sooo glad I drive an older RAV-4 with the faded forest green paint I keep well maintained by my honest (yes, honest) mechanic. Unattractive to thieves, no ridiculous car payments and full-coverage AAA insurance for only $70 per month. Even without gas heading towards $7 per gallon I drive as little as possible anyway, for good reason!


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