Cartoons: Hangover Humor

You might have felt like the life of the party the night before, but the morning misery is a whooooole different story.

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“Care to try on a few more this morning sir…or do you prefer the little number you’re wearing?”
Jack Tippit
December 4, 1965


“Then you warned everybody in this block that the redcoats are coming.”
Chas. Skiles
July 20, 1957


“…and then you grasped Mrs. Abernathy’s cut-glass punch bowl, raised it high, shouted ‘bottoms up!’ and…”
John Norment
July 4, 1959


“If you feel rotten, think how Tom Martin must feel. You took out his appendix last night.”
Bill Yates
May 2, 1964


“Is this the same gay, mad, carefree husband that came home in a wheelbarrow last night?”
Chon Day
April 27, 1957


“I think you revived considerable interest in the Charleston…if that makes you feel any better.”
Harry Mace
April 7, 1957


“Oh, don’t worry about what you’re going to do with it…You also bought the man’s wagon and his milk route!”
Ben Thompson
January 3, 1959


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  1. I agree that we really do not have a sense of humor anymore in this country. Sad…
    What a bleak and dour country we have become in only the past 3 years …
    Wake up America!

  2. They’re all wonderful; even to a non-drinker. My own favorites here are #1 with the lampshades, #5 with the husband coming home in a wheelbarrow, #7 with the shocked husband and the horse. but most of all #3 where the husband raised the cut-glass punch bowl nice and high shouting “bottoms up”, covering his ears hearing about it.

  3. I notice that many of the best cartoons date back into the 1950’s. Have we lost our modern sense of humor or is life just too fast now for people to have time to think funny thoughts? I liked the good ol’ days when we could laugh at ourselves instead of finding fault and griping intensely about politics–and do so at peril of losing friendships. I don’t drink but if I did I think I’d like some martoonies. Thanks, Gene!

  4. You knocked a home run again on the cartoons. There was not a bad one in the bunch!
    BTW, we all do stupid things and make stupid decisions when having too much to drink.
    Happy New Year and Best Wishes for 2024.


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