Want even more laughs? Subscribe to the magazine for cartoons, art, inspiring stories, fiction, humor, and features from our archives.
“I’ve not only failed as a human being, I’ve failed as a safe breaker…” June 18, 1960
“It was an awesome sight as the mighty rocket mounted on a pillar of flame and became a dwindling speck in the velvet night, but he felt my hand in his pocket anyway.” Bob Barnes May 28, 1960
“Of course, the tempting thing about forgery is its convenience. A 29¢ ball-point pen and you’re in business.” Chon Day May 16, 1959
“A little more work, true, but it pays to be sure.” Jack Tippit May 2, 1964
“Then, as my lawyer’s plea to the jury rose to a full climax, a hush fell on the entire courtroom. Everyone had fallen asleep.” Brad Anderson March 18, 1961
“Oh, you won’t mind it here so much once you get a hobby.” Herb Green February 27, 1965
“The turning point in my trial was when I got caught picking the judge’s pocket.” Herb Green August 22, 1959
“My big mistake in the campaign was when I said, ‘Let’s take a look at the record.’” Dave Hirsch February 17, 1962
Want even more laughs? Subscribe to the magazine for cartoons, art, inspiring stories, fiction, humor, and features from our archives.
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