Preparing For Better Days

As we continue to navigate our “new normal”, at Curtis we are taking this time of adjustment to look ahead and prepare for the times to come.
We, like many of our licensees are on a bit of a holding pattern. We are not sure if upcoming tradeshows will even take place, and it is hard to make plans not knowing what lays ahead. However, one thing is for sure, whenever the crisis ends, we will be ready to hit the ground running!
With that in mind, we have continued to focus on creating new designs both for everyday and holiday use so that when requests roll in…we will be ready. We feel this is a perfect time for us to be creative and anticipate the needs of our licensees and partners.
So, send us ideas and requests!!! If you have idea, trend or mood boards even if they are premature, send those to us and we will create a collection just for you with absolutely no obligation! Some of our best collections have come as results of trying times, so let’s make the best of this together.

Stay safe and healthy!
Your Friends at Curtis Licensing.