Norman Rockwell turns the cliché of a runaway child into a heartwarming moment in one of his most well-known paintings.
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love this retrospective on the wonderful norman Rockwell.
We have a copy of the “run away that is signed by the little boy who is now a n adult. It is one of our favorite treasures. Bob and Nancy Blackman”
Appreciate this cover more now, knowing the background details Rockwell would add or re-work to make it perfect. In the end though, it’s the trust shown in the boy’s body language and state trooper’s that tells you he’s having a talk with this child and will get him back home safely shortly after this.
The diner’s manager looks like he’s listening, possibly telling of a time he ran away (wasn’t worth it) and backing up what the state trooper was telling him.
Thank you for all the details and observations–much fun reminiscing in Rockwell’s ‘past lane.’
Although I have seen all of his many jewel’s before,it is a real pleasure to view them again !