Cartoons: Boardroom Buffoonery

A lot has changed in America’s boardrooms in the last 70 years, but you can always count on them for some funny business.

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“The motion is carried five to one, Mr. Abernathy dissenting.”
Bill King
October 14, 1944


“The summer slack period is about over, and we’re now moving into the fall slump.”
Chon Day
October 4, 1952
“And I say to you without fear of contradiction…”
Doris Matthews
June 7, 1952


“I won’t bother you with a mass of figures and details. I’ll just say we lost our shirts.”
March 15, 1952


“Now don’t let me interrupt anything.”
Tom Henderson
March 8, 1952


“It’s refreshing, Tilson, to have a member of the board who has the courage to stand up and disagree with me! Good-by and good luck.”
Bill King
November 29, 1952


“If they don’t go back to work at those wages, we’ll fire them and run the plant ourselves. Does anyone know just where it is?”
Chon Day
November 17, 1951


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