Rockwell Video Minute: Freedom from Fear

In creating his “Four Freedoms,” Rockwell’s challenge was to show the absence of fear in Americans’ lives. So he captured a moment of peace and security that most would recognize.

Parents tucking their child in bed
Norman Rockwell's Freedom From Fear (Norman Rockwell / SEPS)

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See all of the videos in our Rockwell Video Minute series.

Featured image: Norman Rockwell’s Freedom From Fear (Norman Rockwell / SEPS)

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  1. This homecoming segment touched my heart and brought back memories of my return from Vietnam.
    Returning from Vietnam was hardly a Rockwell moment…..I was discharged at my port of entry…Travis
    Air Force Base in California. The discharge desk required all returning service members to change out of their uniforms and dress in their civilian clothing to avoid being attacked by anti-war protesters in the streets
    of San Francisco…times had changed since World War II… calls of “ thank you for your service” were
    heard during or after the Vietnam War.

  2. love your Magazine -have been a subscriber for years. I made a needlework that spoke of the 4 freedoms. I was born during the Hoover Administration , however, FDR , was sorely needed during the times of the Stock Market Crash, dust Bowl,Depression- I have a photo of myself & my sister wearing Feedsack Dresses made by our Mother in the Depression years. then WWII, I enlisted in Military 1949


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