Cartoons: Alien Nation

These extraterrestrial cartoons are out of this world!

Child tries to show off the alien he caught to his dad
“O.K., so you captured a Martian. Now run along and play.” Temes April 24, 1954

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Alien piloting a UFO confuses the striped pattern on a lighthouse for a barber's pole
“Sorry, we don’t give haircuts.”
Joseph Farris
October 19, 1968


Alien chasing another while holding an astronaut.
October 19, 1968


Cartoonist drawing the aliens he sees through a telescope
August 21, 1954


Housewife uses bug spray on a tiny alien
“Greetings, Earthlings…”
June 9, 1956


A couple watches an alien advertise products on TV
“I looked it up. There’s no such channel!”
George Wolfe
May 5, 1956


Child tries to show off the alien he caught to his dad
“O.K., so you captured a Martian. Now run along and play.”
April 24, 1954


An alien gives a speech to a crowd.
“I had expected sort of a little green man.”
October 21, 1967


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