Cartoons: Raise Hell

When it comes to asking for more money, we try to keep it a little funny!

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Man who got a raise due to his relation to the boss tells a coworker that his advice for getting a pay increase wont be of much use to him.
“Sure, I’ll tell you how I got my raise, but I don’t think it’ll help you much.”
Hank Baeb
September 22, 1956


Man walks out of a meeting with his boss.
“Oh-oh, coffee break! I still want to talk with you about a raise, though, Mr. Guffney.”
Bill Mittlebeeler
September 29, 1956


Boss tells his employee that he can't have a raise, but is allowed to have a good team in the office's betting pool.
“I can’t give you a raise, Fudly, but I’ll let you have the Yankees in the office pool.”
August 20, 1955


Boss asks his employee how long has it's been since he gave a raise; the employee has marked the days since his last raise on the wall.
“How long has it been since you last raise, Higgins?”
Bob Schroeter
April 14, 1956


Employee asks for a raise, but unfortunately it's during a liquidation.
“I’m afraid this is a bad time to ask for a raise, Fenwick.”
Joseph Zeis
April 7, 1956


An employee gives an ultimatum to his boss.
“That’s my ultimatum, Mr. Bigelow. Either I get the raise or I get along on my present salary.”
Mort Temes
March 6, 1954


Executives notice that their employee is groveling on the ground.
“Perhaps we should give him a two-dollar raise. His morale appears to be rather low.”
Salo Roth
December 29, 1956


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  1. I’d have to say numbers 2, 6 and 7 are my favorites of this group. 2 & 6 are kind of opposites of each other. As for number 7, I don’t know WHAT to say! Do you?!


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