Want even more laughs? Subscribe to the magazine for cartoons, art, inspiring stories, fiction, humor, and features from our archives.

November 23, 1957

Al Johns
September 29, 1956

Leo Garel
September 22, 1956

Harry Mace
August 3, 1957

Vahan Shirvanian
July 27, 1957

Eric Ericson
June 21, 1952

December 28, 1957
Want even more laughs? Subscribe to the magazine for cartoons, art, inspiring stories, fiction, humor, and features from our archives.
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I am a subscriber and enjoy the articles, including the cartoons,verynmuch.
My favorite of all time is the wife who brings in breakfast to a grumpy husband, says “Pancales for breakfast” and smacks him across the cheek with a flapjack.
I love them all Post editors, but number #5 is my favorite. The dog sitting in the toddler’s seat; beautiful. # 3 comes in close. Is it more degrading to the dog or his wife?! Could he… did he… put HER outside instead?! So refreshingly, wonderfully politically incorrect. Shameful! Thank you.
(As soon as I clicked on these cartoons, I got a lot of ‘dog ads’ on the left and right sides. Just worth a mention.)