Cartoons: Whatever Floats Your Boat

They say the two happiest days of a boat owner’s life are the day you buy the boat and the day you sell it. Here’s to all of the days in between!

Woman grasping the bow of a speedboat as her husband drives it so fast that the craft points straight up as it moves through the water.

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Woman informs her husband that their boat's steering wheel broke off.
John Gallagher
August 9, 1958


Customer tells the boat salesman that he'll only take one ocean liner.
“Oh, I think one will be enough.”
Joseph Zeis
June 8, 1957


Woman grasping the bow of a speedboat as her husband drives it so fast that the craft points straight up as it moves through the water.
“How that for power?”
Frank O’Neal
June 8, 1957


Two sailors sink with their cheap homemade boat.
“That’s the trouble with these homemade boats.”
Scott Taber
May 12, 1956


Woman tears a hole through a boat in order to remove the barnacles from her husband's boat.
“I got rid of the barnacles.”
Vahan Shirvanian
June 28, 1958


Rowboat tips over because two passengers crowd one side of it.
“May I make a suggestion?”
Joseph Zeis
May 5, 1956


Man feels pride as a bridge lifts up for him and his little boat.
“It makes me feel so important.”
Scott Taber
April 14, 1956


Man paints boat
Jean-Maurice Bosc
March 2, 1957


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  1. I’d have to say #1 at the top from ’58 is my favorite. It’s sooo unexpected and outrageous. The artwork by Scott Taber in #4 reminds me of the (risque) ‘Happy Fisherman’ t-shirt I bought in the ’90s at a store along the Venice boardwalk. Another former L.A. tourist attraction best avoided today! I also like #7 by Taber of the opening bridge.


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