Cartoons: Commuter Rail Fails

Your commute can really take you for a ride!

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Two train passengers colliding with each other while chasing their respective trains.
Vahan Shirvanian
November 15, 1958


Retired train passenger runs to catch a train
“He’s retired, but he likes to keep in shape!”
August 30, 1958


Conductor welcoming passengers onto a train.
“Ah-h-h, gay, exotic Larchmont!”
Stan Hunt
August 15, 1959


Train conductor tells passenger he is on the wrong train.
“You’re on the wrong train.”
Vahan Shirvanian
May 4, 1957


Conductor tells late train passenger that he ran the last mile chasing the train in record time.
“Do you realize, young man, that you did that last mile in four minutes flat?”
Herb Green
March 14, 1959


Late train passenger's suitcase breaks open as he runs to catch his ride.
Joseph Farris
November 26, 1955


Overtired man waits for train he missed,.
“You still here? The 7:10 went through a half hour ago.”
November 16, 1957


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  1. For Hunt’s #3, he’s treating his commuter stop like it’s something really special, as you would on a sightseeing trip!

  2. In response to Bob McGowan’s last sentence, I didn’t get it either. Maybe you just had to be there.

  3. Well, with this group I’d have to say the top cartoon (Vahan) is the funniest, then #4 by Vahan followed by the bottom two, numbers 6 & 7. I bet what happened in the Farris cartoon really has happened. In the Bram cartoon, I can only hope he missed the 7:10 p.m. (not a.m.) and another’s on its way. As for #3 by Hunt, I… don’t get that one.


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