Cartoons: Soda Fountain Fun

We hope these soda fountain cartoons put the cherry on top of your day!

The gentleman

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Soda fountain cartoon
“I haven’t quite got the hang of it.”
Scott Taber
September 13, 1958


The gentleman
“It’s been taken care of by the gentleman.”
Joseph Farris
July 11, 1959


soda fountain cartoon
“What are you having for dessert?
Hank Baeb
May 8, 1958


soda fountain cartoon
Hank Baeb
May 3, 1958


soda fountain cartoons
“Pass the sugar, please.”
Bob Barnes
April 2, 1960


soda fountain cartoons
“You’re out of chocolate.”
Scott Taber
March 26, 1960


soda fountain
“I’ll be willing to work for nothing, just to learn the business.”
Don Tobin
December 5, 1953


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  1. I lost my Sister less than a year ago (she was also my best friend & the last of my surviving
    family of origin. Then two weeks ago I lost my close friend of 22 years. She had been sick
    for two years.

    I so appreciate & enjoy reading the Comics which always bring a smile to my face and make
    me laugh.

  2. My early job as a teen was working as a ‘soda jerk’ in a drugstore. I recall my first lesson in making a hot fudge sundae: the pharmacist/teacher said “Don’t use so much hot fudge: it costs money.” I was just a hungry teen who wanted it made as I would have liked with plenty of the hot fudge :o)


  4. Oh, my! memories! I worked as Curator of Dr Pepper Museum< Waco, TX, for 10 years. One day a school bus full of boys and girls went through the museum and ended up in the soda fountain. One little boy got a Big Red float, and while the remainder of the class went through the line, he slurped it up, then went back through the line and got another Big Red float. Talk about a sugar high! I've often laughed and wondered how the teacher managed on the bus trip back to school!

  5. One of the nicest gifts I’ve gotten on my hard working, stressed out birthday today. Thank you! I love them all, but in particular number 2 by Joe Farris. Where did this kid pick up THAT maneuver?! Number 3 by Hank Baeb. Yeah, what do you have for dessert when this is dinner? And number 5 by Bob Barnes. “Pass the sugar, please.”

    I should ask where are the parents, but that would spoil all the fun of these really nervy, naughty boys for sure.


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