Cartoons: Commute Hoots

Whether it’s bus, car, or train, commuting’s a pain!

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“Looks like I’ll be a little bit late tonight, dear.”
William O’Brian
October 1, 1960


Vahan Shirvanian
November 4, 1961


B. Brown
October 1, 1960


“By the way, how’s the commuting from up here?”
Herb Green
September 30, 1961


“How long does it take your daddy to unwind?”
Barney Tobey
September 23, 1961


“Car pool.”
Gene Herndon
September 22, 1962


“Isn’t that our bus driver?”
Orlando Busino
March 17, 1962


“Chivalry isn’t dead, madam. I am.”
Walter Goldestein
November 19, 1960


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  1. So many memories revisited-I am 81 and have been reading the Saturday Evening Post since I was in third grade. Thank you for so many great reads and laughs!

  2. You’ve done a wonderful job with this batch on commuting! Favorites here include #4 down by Herb Green from ’61. He certainly shines a shocking light on commuting in Greenitch. Also #6 down ‘Car pool’ from ’62. Based on real accidents I’m sure.


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