Cartoons: Back to the Office

Enjoy these mid-century workplace wisecracks!

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“It’s nice but I’d still rather have two weeks’ vacation with pay.”
Ralston Jones
July 6, 1957


“It may take you a few weeks to get into the swing of our office routine.”
Jerry Marcus
June 22, 1957


“What do you mean you’re taking up a collection for good old Hal Cooper? I’m good old Hal Cooper.”
Marvin Tannenberg
June 13, 1964


“Mr. Geegle fell into the mimeograph machine!”
L. Herman
February 22, 1964


“I was having a swell day at the office, and I couldn’t understand it. Then I realized I was in the wrong office.”
Stan Hunt
September 23, 1950


“Wonderful view, eh Harper? On a clear day you can see the unemployment office.”
Bob Schroeter
September 10, 1955


“When I agreed to an office pool, Purvis, I assumed…”
Scott Taber
August 4, 1956


Jim Whiting
November 4, 1950


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  1. Richard makes excellent points. Much of the tech we have now has only made work (and life otherwise), more stressful and complicated. The 2nd cartoon features some hanky-panky the new guy looks like he’ll like. I agree with the lady in the Polka dot bikini (top ‘toon) preferring having 2 weeks’ vacation time with pay.

  2. It’s interesting to see what’s changed in the office since technology has advanced, and what has stayed exactly.the same


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