10 Can’t-Miss Books for Warmer Days

Literary thrillers, tear-jerkers, in-depth histories: Here is our list of the top 10 books you should be reading right now.


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by Julia Phillips

In a suspenseful yet tender story of risk and love, two sisters on an isolated island face an uncertain future that is only heightened after their mother’s medical diagnosis. And then a grizzly bear shows up.


by Rachel Cusk

In a slim novel that packs a big punch, Cusk offers an interior examination of an artist named G who is many different people. See how plausibly far the boundaries of fiction and storytelling can artfully go.

The God of the Woods

by Liz Moore

This page-turner, set at an Adirondack summer camp, will be a treat for lovers of literary thrillers. In 1961, the camp owners’ son disappeared; 14 years later, their daughter is missing, under similar conditions.

Little Rot

by Akwaeke Emezi

After a breakup inspires a visit to a salacious party, five friends get caught up in a brutal web of sex, lies, and murder in the underbelly of Nigerian nightlife.

You Are Here

by David Nicholls

Get out the tissues for this one: Two lonely people, tenaciously pushed together by a mutual friend, end up on an ill-fated ten-day hike in a story full of laughter, love, and hope.


John Quincy Adams

by Randall Woods

A prolific historian does a deep dive on the sixth president of the United States, who only begrudgingly followed his father’s footsteps into the White House and made a major late-life pivot.

When the Clock Broke

by John Ganz

A well-known journalist lays out a compelling argument that during the 1990s — when the popular myth was that America was healing and thriving after the Cold War — the polarized country we now live in was really just getting its bearings.

Tiger Tiger

by James Patterson & Peter DeJonge

From Woods’s childhood to his PGA titles to the scandals and injury, Patterson lays out the golfer’s life like one of his thrillers. When Woods’s widely known return to the spotlight happens, it feels like an unexpected plot twist.


by Francine Prose.

This raw, fascinating memoir from an acclaimed author fixes on a single year, a time when Americans were realizing that the revolution promised by the ’60s didn’t happen, and Prose was going through her own era of self-realization.

Democracy or Else

by Jon Favreau, Jon Lovett & Tommy Vietor

For those who want to make a difference but aren’t sure how, this book outlines ten steps to get involved in politics and actually make a difference. Buy one for yourself and another for the first-time-voter in your life.


This article appears in the May/June 2024 issue of The Saturday Evening Post. Subscribe to the magazine for more art, inspiring stories, fiction, humor, and features from our archives.

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